Check and enable wake on lan in Linux

You can checked if WOL is enabled with ethtool

sudo ethtool enp4s0 | grep -i wake
	Supports Wake-on: pumbg
	Wake-on: d

As you can see in my case wake-on its d (disabled)
Other possible values, the wake on can be triggered by p (PHY activity), u (unicast activity), m (multicast activity), b (broadcast activity), a (ARP activity), and g (magic packet activity).

The value g is required for WOL to work and we can change it with ethtool or NetworkManager.

Ethtool, the change it’s not reboot proof

sudo ethtool -s enp4s0 wol g

Network Manager, the change is reboot proof

sudo nmcli connection modify enp4s0 802-3-ethernet.wake-on-lan magic
sudo nmcli connection up enp4s0

After applying the setting you can check again with ethtool

sudo ethtool enp4s0 | grep -i wake
	Supports Wake-on: pumbg
	Wake-on: g

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